Selwyn Sounds 2024
Terms and conditions
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Selwyn Sounds 2024: Terms and Conditions

Saturday, 2 March 2024, 11:00am - Selwyn Sounds, Lincoln, Canterbury

Congratulations for being part of the Selwyn Sounds Festival and part of the Selwyn Sounds Family.

These terms and conditions relate to the 2nd March 2024 festival.

We want everyone to have a safe and enjoyable time at this event. Poor behaviour will not be tolerated. Enjoy the event, look after and respect the Festival and other attendees.

The terms and conditions set out below constitute a binding agreement between 3 Coins Gentlemen Events Limited (“Promoter”) and the person holding or using a ticket (“Event Ticket”) to Selwyn Sounds (“Event”) at Lincoln Domain (“Venue”) on 4 March 2023 (“Event Date”) irrespective of whether the ticket was purchased by the person holding or using the Event Ticket (“you” or “your”). These terms and conditions should be read in conjunction with all statements and directives shown or displayed on your ticket, on-site at the Event, on the Promoter’s website and social media pages, or otherwise communicated by the Promoter from time to time (together, the “Event Terms”).

“Event Staff” includes the Promoter’s directors, partners, officers, employees, contractors, agents, volunteers, as well as any Venue staff.


1.1 The Promoter uses the third party Flicket to sell Event Tickets (“Ticket Merchant”). No other ticketing company is authorised to sell Event Tickets. You are solely responsible for paying any and all booking fees and charges in connection with the sale.

1.2 Event Tickets may not, be re-sold or offered for resale or used for advertising, promotion or other commercial purposes. If an Event Ticket is resold then it will be invalid an the person using that ticket shall not be allowed entry nor shall have any rights against the Promoter.



2.1 Entry to the Event will be granted upon presentation of a valid Event Ticket at the Venue.

2.2 At the time of on sale, this event has no COVID-related entry or capacity restrictions. Face coverings are encouraged but not mandatory. Please head to for the most accurate information.

2.3 The Event is an all ages event, however anyone under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a responsible adult at all times at the Venue. Failure to do so may result in eviction from the event by both the child and responsible adult. Any costs relating to care for unaccompanied children under the age of 18 years shall be payable by the responsible adult who accompanied the child into the Venue.

2.4 It is a condition of entry to the Event that a search of you and/or your possessions be conducted at the time of entry to the Venue and at other times if requested by the Promoter or Event Staff. If you do not consent to such searches, you may be denied entry to the Venue, or evicted from the Event.


2.5 The Promoter reserves the right to, and to authorise or instruct Event Staff to, refuse entry or evict any person from the Event Site that: fails to comply with the Event Term; is unable to provide valid and current Photo ID; appears to be unwell or is showing symptoms of a contagious disease; engages in any illegal activity or behaviour or any activity or behaviour deemed in the Promoter’s absolute discretion to be unsafe, disorderly or antisocial.

COVID-19 Information

2.6 At the time of ticketing on sale (August, 2022), this event has no COVID-related entry or capacity restrictions.

2.7 The Event will adhere to the current traffic light settings at the time of the event. All ticket purchasers agree to do the same

2.8 In the unlikely event that the Event is postponed, your tickets will automatically transfer to the new Event Date. No refunds will be payable. In the unlikely event that the Event is cancelled and does not proceed on any date, refunds will be provided but an admin fee of $20.00 per ticket plus any ticketing fees will be deducted from all refunds processed.

2.9 You and your guests will be required to comply with any Government directions, orders, regulations or guidance associated with COVID-19 in place at the time of the event, which could change between now and the event, and which may include the requirement to isolate, wear masks or produce evidence of vaccination. Unless required by applicable law, refunds will not be required as a result of following the conditions of or changes to any applicable Government directions, orders, regulations or guidance associated with COVID-19, including where the event proceeds but the ticket holder is unable to attend as they are required to isolate as a result of contracting COVID-19 or having been in contact with a person with COVID-19. If the Event is required to be rescheduled, tickets will be valid for the new date subject to availability. If you notify the ticketing company before the specified deadline (which will be 30 days from the time the rescheduled date is announced) that you are unable to attend the rescheduled event, you will be able to cancel your order and obtain a refund of the price of your tickets.

2.10 You acknowledge that as a condition of your entry, the Promoter, Ticket Merchant, Venue, government authority, and other third parties may collect your personal information for the purposes of contact tracing and complying with COVID-19 related legislation, regulations and health orders (as amended from time to time). You warrant that any personal information provided by you to any third-party or the Promoter for the purpose of contact tracing is correct, accurate and complete. You also acknowledge that you may be required to submit contact tracing information to the Promoter or other third party through an authorised mobile application or web check-in service (“Check-In Tool”). If you use a Check-In Tool, your disclosure of personal information will be governed by the terms of the operator responsible for the Check-In Tool. The Promoter disclaims all liability in connection with your use of a Check-In Tool.


3.1 You must follow all reasonable directions of the Promoter and Event Staff.

3.2 You must comply with all applicable laws and regulations.

3.3 In the case of an emergency or serious injury, you must follow all official directions of or authorised by the Promoter, security staff and emergency services personnel.

3.4 Once inside the venue there will be no pass outs. Once you are in you are in. If you leave you will need to purchase a new ticket to gain entry to the Event.


4.1 The Promoter and Event Staff may confiscate any Prohibited Items or any other items which the Promoter, in its absolute discretion, considers may be used in an illegal, unsafe, antisocial or offensive manner. Confiscated items will not be returned, replaced or reimbursed, and proceeds from confiscated items (if any) will be donated to a charity or charities of the Promoter’s choice.

4.2 “Prohibited Items” include, without limitation; alcohol; illicit drugs; knives; weapons; fireworks; explosives; glass; bottles; portable BBQs; compressed gas containers; fires or open flames or any kind; political, religious, offensive or race-related banners, signs, slogans or materials; flares; air horns; sound amplifiers including loudhailers; toy guns or water pistols; smoke bombs and flag sticks; commercial standard recording devices; drones; dogs or other pets; laser pointers; skateboards, roller blades, scooters or bicycles; or items that may interfere with the enjoyment, comfort or safety of other persons or security at the Venue.

4.3 Personal digital cameras (including smartphones) are permitted at the Event, but professional photography equipment is not permitted at the Event without media accreditation issued by the Promoter. The Promoter shall determine in its absolute discretion, whether photography equipment is considered to be professional photography equipment. Photos of artists, musicians and/or the Event are permitted only on the basis that images are only used for private and personal use; and are not made available for sale and/or public display.

4.4 Recording or filming the Event is strictly prohibited. The Promoter reserves the right to confiscate and/or delete any footage, recordings and/or photographs created by unauthorised or prohibited recording, filming or photography, and to evict any person from the Event found to be recording or filming in contravention of this clause.

4.5 Parking Meijer for mobility parking and VIP in front of the event centre. Please Note. Removal of your vehicle after the event will not be possible unless authorised by the police and this may be up to 1 hour after the event has finished.


5.1 You consent to being included in any audio recordings, audio-visual recordings and photographs of the Event created by, at the direction of, or with the authority of the Promoter (“Materials”). In the event that you hold any rights in the Materials, without any fee or compensation payable to you, you irrevocably assign to the Promoter any and all benefit, right, title and interest in and to the Materials owned, controlled or created by you for the Promoter to hold and exploit in any context in any and all media now known or later devised absolutely, in perpetuity, throughout the world (including for advertising, marketing and promotional purposes whether in respect of the Promoter or third parties), free from any claims whatsoever from you.


6.1 You acknowledge that the Promoter may set restrictions on the number of people that can attend certain areas of the Venue, such as within buildings or structures, within enclosed areas or at stages (“Restricted Capacity Areas”). Once the maximum capacity, as determined by the Promoter, at any Restricted Capacity Area has been reached, the Promoter or Event Staff may prevent further admissions to the Restricted Capacity Areas. Your purchase of an Event Ticket does not guarantee admission to Restricted Capacity Areas where the maximum capacity has been reached.


7.1 The Event is fully licensed. You must not bring alcohol into the Venue. Only alcohol purchased from bars at the Event may be consumed at the Venue. You must be aged 18 years or over to purchase and/or consume alcohol and you must provide Photo ID to verify that you are aged 18 years or over in order to purchase alcohol. If you are found supplying or buying alcohol for any person under 18 years of age you will be evicted from the Event and the Promoter may report your conduct to the police.

7.2 The Promoter may make available designated smoking areas in their sole discretion. Smoking is only permitted in designated smoking areas. Any person found smoking at the Event (other than in a designated smoking area) may be evicted from the Event.

7.3 If you are found supplying, consuming or in possession of illicit drugs or illegal substances by the Promoter or Event Staff, you will be evicted from the Event and the Promoter may notify the police.


8.1 Appropriate clothing and closed footwear must be worn at all times at the Venue. Any person wearing high heels, studded clothing, or other clothing items which pose a safety threat or may otherwise cause offense, in the Promoter’s sole discretion, may be refused entry or evicted from the Event.

8.2 You are not permitted to display any trading signs at the Event Site without prior written consent of Promoter.

8.3 Due to the noise levels at the Event Site, the Promoter recommends that you wear ear plugs at all appropriate times during the Event.

8.4 If required by legislation, regulations and health orders, you may be directed to wear a mask as a condition of entry to the Event.


Movement Around the Venue

9.1 You must take reasonable care when moving around, or traversing, the Event. You must move in an orderly fashion, in accordance with the directions of the Promoter and Event Staff, and you must not do anything that may hinder, or prevent, the safe passage of other patrons or Event Staff at the Venue or the surrounding areas (including entering and exiting the Venue).

9.2 The Promoter will endeavour to make the Venue accessible for those using wheelchairs, mobility scooters or with a disability; however you acknowledge that the Venue has pre-existing natural terrain and pre-existing structures and facilities, and in some cases it may be impossible, impractical, unsafe or contrary to building laws or regulations to make all areas of the Venue accessible for all patrons. By purchasing an Event Ticket, you acknowledge and understand that some public areas of the Venue may not be accessible by all patrons. If you have any concerns about the accessibility of the Venue, please contract the Promoter prior to the Event for more information.

Injury or illness

9.3 In the event of injury or illness the Promoter or Event Staff may, at your expense, arrange medical treatment and/or emergency evacuation as deemed necessary or advisable (in the opinion of the Promoter or Event Staff) for your health and safety, or for the health and safety of other persons at the Event.

Environment and facilities

9.4 Please be respectful of the environment and place any litter in the recycle or other bins provided around the Venue. You must not damage, improperly use or tamper with any property or facility at the Venue, or intentionally or recklessly cause any damage or interference to plants or animals at the Venue or in the area surrounding the Venue.


10.1 At the conclusion of the Event, you must remove all of your belongings, rubbish, recycling and vehicles. The Promoter will not be responsible for any of your property left at the Venue and the Promoter may discard, sell or donate to charity any property left at the Venue following the conclusion of the Event.


11.1 You acknowledge that you are purchasing a ticket to attend the Event, and not to see a specific act or acts. The Promoter reserves the right to change, add, withdraw or substitute artists in the Event line-up, vary the advertised program, the entry and exit times, the amenities, the facilities, the attractions, and the entertainment at its discretion without prior notification. You acknowledge that the Promoter does not make any representations or warranties in respect of the aforementioned factors, and you have not relied on any representations or warranties by the Promoter regarding the above in connection with your purchase of an Event Ticket.

11.2 Without limiting the foregoing, you agree and acknowledge that the Promoter may need to make significant changes to the Event in response to COVID-19 and to comply with any legislation, regulation, health order or other government direction or recommendation in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and that these changes may occur after you purchase your Event Ticket, at any time prior to the Event. These restrictions may include seating or dancing arrangements, format of the event (including location and visibility of the stages or screens), creation of restricted zones within the Venue. You agree and acknowledge that except where required by law, you will not be entitled to a refund in these circumstances. Please regularly check the website for updates and additional terms that may apply to the Event.

11.3 The Promoter may deny admission to the Venue (including admission to a particular performance at the Venue) in accordance with the Event Terms or otherwise in its absolute discretion.


12.1 The event is an all weather event.

12.2 Except where required by law, there will be no refund of any Event Tickets or for any unused portion of an Event Ticket. This includes but is not limited to where there has been a variation to the Event, if you are refused entry to or evicted from the Venue by the Promoter or Event Staff in accordance with the Event Terms, if you fail to attend the Event, if you arrive after the commencement of the Event, or if you leave the Venue prior to the conclusion of the Event.

12.3 If it is impractical or impossible to conduct the Event (in whole or in part) due to adverse conditions, you agree that the Promoter may elect to post-pone the Event to the “Alternate Date”. In such circumstance, your Event Tickets will be redeemable for the Alternate Date, and you will not be entitled to a refund (unless otherwise required by law).


13.1 Entry to the Venue is at your own risk. You understand that your attendance at the Event may carry with it certain dangers, including the risk of injury and damage to you and your property. By attending the Event and entering the Venue, you accept the risk of damage and loss (including property damage, personal injury, economic and consequential loss) howsoever arising (including by negligence) at the Event.

13.2 You shall be responsible for the safety and security of all your belongings brought into the Venue. The Promoter accepts no responsibility for any loss, damage or theft of or to your possessions or property at the Event.


14.1 The Promoter makes no warranties or representations regarding the suitability of the Event, and any photos of past events used in connection with the promotion and marketing of the Event are illustrative only and should not be relied upon as an accurate description of the Event. Notwithstanding, if any person claims that the Promoter has breached a term, condition, warranty, statement, or assurance which cannot be excluded by these Event Terms, to the maximum extent permitted by law, the Promoter’s entire liability and that person’s exclusive remedy is limited to a refund of the advertised retail price of the Event Ticket (less fees charged by any Ticket Merchant).

14.2 By purchasing an Event Ticket, you indemnify the Promoter and its agents from and against any loss or damage, including without limitation all legal costs and expenses or liability incurred by any of the Released Parties arising from any claim, demand, suit, action or proceeding against any of the Indemnified where such loss or liability arose out of or in connection with your wilful, negligent or reckless acts or omissions at the Event, or as a result of your breach of the Event Terms.


The Event Terms may varied at any time. Any variations become effective immediately once the variation is published, displayed or otherwise communicated.